Saturday, December 24, 2011

My last words to you if I must die tomorrow 033:

(For ladies,) Be gentle to your body. If you worry about your pimples, sleep early, eat less greasy food, use less spice. Good health will eventually turn into beauty, but not often the other way around. If you have back and neck pain, stop wearing shoes that cause pain. Try shoes that give you good foot support and comfort, beauty can (always) come second. If your knees hurt, stop wearing high heels, stop going clubbing. It is not worth your knees and livers for crowding in a dirty, smelly basement/club where all men consider you one of their "target of the night". Do not down grade yourself, missing out in night life does not equal boring; even if people call you boring, you still are better than sluts.

Merry Christmas
Happy Hanukkah